
piroshki with white cheese Recipe

piroshki with white cheese Recipe

piroshki with white cheese is very suitable for breakfast menu, especially if you want to try this food, every bakery will be sold.

This Piroshki is very famous in Russia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and other parts of the Soviet part, Piroshki himself can be served and filled with various jams / stir-fry fillings etc.

do you try breakfast with a different menu in the morning? Lets Go!

Ingredients :

  • 600 grams of flour
  • 1 cup of yougurt = 500 gr
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • 250 gr white cheese, crush it roughly

How To Make :

1. Mix yougurt with 1 teaspoon of soda, mix well, let stand until bubbly and expands.

2. In a large container, mix the trigu flour and make a hole in the middle, add salt eggs and yougurt, mix well and knead until smooth.

3. Sprinkle the work table with a little trigu flour and knead the dough again and divide it into 19-20 parts / shapes into round dough.

4. Take one by one the dough and flatten (not too thick and not too thin).

5. take 1-2 teaspoons of white cheese and roll it back like rolls, do it until all the dough rolls up.

6. Heat a lot of cooking oil and fry until cooked and golden brown

7. stand and serve while warm

Good luck !

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